ET-AI - we build Chatbots

We build Chatbots

AI is way more than ChatGPT

Published: 05-Oct-2024
AI goes a lot further than simply asking ChatGPT a whole lot of questions. Make no mistake, asking questions and getting answers using natural language is excellent. It is incredible to think that you can ask a short question and get it to write a whole blog or post. One question and you can get a decent marketing strategy. One question and you can get a health and safety policy.

AI of course goes a lot further. Video, audio, design are all things it can do very well. In a future blog post we'll talk more about voice to text which is also incredible.

However AI and ChatGPT can be turned into an Expert System. It's a subject matter expert taken 1000 steps further. Expert systems have been around for years. They would ask a question and depending on the option chosen, ask another one. It was the old "Press 1 for sales", "Press 2 for statements".

Instead of a user asking a subject matter expert some questions and getting good answers, the subject matter expert can ask the user a whole lot of questions. Depending on the answer given the AI system will ask different questions until there is a proper conclusion. The difference to old ways is both the user and the AI system will use natural language. For example instead of choosing option 9, the user will type "Help me ... get my phone working"

Let me give other examples: The AI can interview a potential candidate for a job. Both will use natural language to reply and ask questions. If the job is for a CEO, the AI subject matter expert bot will ask management and experience questions. If it is for a salesman, it will ask sales, personality and committment questions. Each answer will allow the AI to probe deeper. Because it uses natural language the candidate can write up long paragraph answers and the AI will understand.

Anther example is a customer who wants to book a holiday. The AI bot can ask for budgets, number of people in the group, how long the holiday should be, areas where the customer may want to go - eg seaside, mountains, if it must be child friendly, etc. Some answers will lead to other questions until the AI bot has sufficient information to make recommendations. Thereafter the AI bot could send a formal proposal and even arrange the bookings as well.

Let's bear in mind an AI system is only as good as the person setting it up and the person training it so it can and will make some mistakes.

We have only touched the concept of Expert Systems. Whatever ideas or questions you have, please contact us.